I've been only working on these while in the office at work. I'd sit at my desk on my breaks and lunch hour to stitch. Unfortunately, lately I've been interrupted a lot so I wasn't getting much done. I decided I would work on them at night while at home. I think that's why I got ahead of schedule. I'm thinking if I worked on them at work and at home at night I could do one a week. At that rate I'll be done with them the week of he 4th of July.
I'm really toying with that idea. On one hand I'd love to get these done sooner rather than later so I have time to plan and paint the frames, etc. Also I would be finally done with them so I could spend my stitching time to work on something just for me. After all that was my plan for this year (to only stitch things for me) since I've spent so much time stitching things for other people. There's so many projects I want to do besides the ones I've already stitched.
On the other hand I might get bored with doing almost the same thing week after week. I might start making a lot of mistakes. Or I might end up putting them away for awhile only to find I'm almost at of time to finish them come Christmas time. I was under the gun last year for the box I painted. And a year before that when I did afghans for everybody. I hate leaving things to the last minute. I never feel like I did my best when I work that way.
Lately I've really had a stitching bug going. There's nothing else I want to do besides stitch. Maybe I should ride that out and work on these projects while I still want to. I've got a small vacation coming up and I know I'll be taking my stitching along and I wonder if I could start and finish one in that trip. Or maybe even finish 2. We'll see.
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