Thursday, March 28, 2013

Crimson Omen - new start

I’ve had an idea to do a thank you gift for a friend after he did some very nice things to help me out over a year ago.  I got the perfect idea and just had to work out all the details before I could finally get started.  Skitzzzzz made up the chart for me and did a FANTASTIC job.  It’s the Crimson Omen from the Gears of War video game franchise.  I’m doing it on 25ct Aida in 2x1 tent stitches.  It will be 10x10 inches when done.

This is what it is suppose to look like:

This is what I’ve done in just over an hour of stitching (I had forgotten how fast tent stitching is).  I've got a few more reds to fill into that section which is the bottom right of the page.  The rest is all background color.:

After I'm done make this as a gift I just might have to make another one for me because I love the design and what skitzzzzz did with the pattern.  I have a few other images I'd like done that I'm sure I'll have skitzzzzz do for me again.

Sprial Fractal - negative progress

Some times negative progress is still progress. 

I had to unpick all the outer blue on this page because when I went to start the next page I realized my colors weren’t matching up.  That was because I didn’t stitch the darkest green on any of those spokes.  I put this project away for a couple of years because I was so disgusted with myself.  It’s been nagging me ever since. 

So for the last 2 days I’ve very carefully unpicked all of that blue.  I only nicked a small thread of the fabric once but not enough to make a hole.  Once I restitch over that it should be fine.  I also somehow picked up a purple thread in the small section on the bottom left part.  I decided to rip the whole single line of purple threads out even though I only caught 1 color and there was 2 or 3 in the line.  It was about 8 stitches so I don’t mind redoing those. 

This is another project I’d like to finish this year.  I think it will be my UFO project each month until it’s done.

Cherish Teddies - USA Bear FINISHED!

So every time I picked up this project to start stitching I told myself to get a progress pic . . . but it’s just so cute and easy that I just wanted to be stitching it.  So here’s a finished picture.  It was really fast and easy until I got to some of the backstitching.  It was really hard some times to tell if a line was backstitch or a grid line, especially the thicker 10x10 lines.  I eventually had to look at the finished picture on the booklet and see where my piece was different.  Once I figured that out I could match it up with the pattern and see the lines.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cherished Teddies - USA Bear

So I'm stitching the Cherished Teddies International Bears based on the country I've been to.  I started with Japan since I was born in Okinawa.  I've now started to work on the USA bear.  Unfortunately the only other countries I've been to are Mexico and Canada so I'm going to have to start visiting other places if I want to stitch more of the bears in the booklet.

Here is what it is suppose to look like:

I'm doing it on 14ct Lt. Oatmeal (Fiddler's) Aida in 2x1, full stitches.  This is what I've got done so far (it's 2 hockey games worth of work):

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Carcassonne update

I told myself that I couldn't start another project and until I'd finish something I've already been working on.  So . . . I pulled this project out and I've got plans for it when done.  I need to change the colors in the "C" because I didn't like what I picked when I made the pattern.  Hopefully I can pick something that will work.

14ct Aida, 2x1,  full

Monday, March 11, 2013

Winter in the Village - update

My goal was to finish 2 more buildings on this project this year.  While I finished the Toy Shop (I'm not counting the backstage buildings) so I've only got one more to do to meet my goal for this project this year.  I might revise that to finish the project if some other projects go well also.

Behold the power of backstitch

As I was doing the backstitch on the toy shop for my Winter in the Village project I was really blown away with how much of a difference it made.  When I got to the bottom and one window and toy soldier were finished but not the other ones you can really see the difference.  Take a look.