I’ve had an idea to do a thank you gift for a friend after he did some very nice things to help me out over a year ago. I got the perfect idea and just had to work out all the details before I could finally get started. Skitzzzzz made up the chart for me and did a FANTASTIC job. It’s the Crimson Omen from the Gears of War video game franchise. I’m doing it on 25ct Aida in 2x1 tent stitches. It will be 10x10 inches when done.
This is what it is suppose to look like:
This is what I’ve done in just over an hour of stitching (I had forgotten how fast tent stitching is). I've got a few more reds to fill into that section which is the bottom right of the page. The rest is all background color.:
After I'm done make this as a gift I just might have to make another one for me because I love the design and what skitzzzzz did with the pattern. I have a few other images I'd like done that I'm sure I'll have skitzzzzz do for me again.